Eat good food and share!

Posts tagged ‘Easy Bake Oven’

99 Things About Me

Instead of making  New Year’s resolutions that we all know I’ll forget about after January, I decided to post 99 things about me. It was more difficult than I thought it would be! But. It was easier than keeping New Year’s Resolutions!

1. I blog about food because I like to cook.
2. And eat.
3. I was born in Des Moines, IA at Methodist Hospital
4. All three of my children were also born in Des Moines, at Methodist Hospital!
5. My first car was a 1966 Chevrolet Impala.
6. It doubled as a boat when necessary.
7. The best place I ever spent New Year’s Eve was Brussels.
8. I have two siblings, an older brother and sister.
9. I have road rage.
10. But, I’m discreet about it.
11. I love Keith Richards. His attitude, his dedication, his music.
12. My favorite kitchen tool is my Kitchenaid mixer.
13. I make killer chocolate chip cookies
14. I’ve seen the Atlantic Ocean from both sides.
15. I would fly to Belgium just for a waffle from a street vendor.
16. I could drink when I was 18, and was grandfathered in every year after that.
17. My favorite ice cream is strawberry.
18. I think Diet Coke is the best invention ever.
19. I’ve been kissed under the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
20. I’m a reformed Catholic (that is… Lutheran).
21. My children are all girls.
22. Their ages are 32, 26 and 11.
23. I wore Earth Shoes.
24. I like Spam. And Velveeta. Preferably, both at the same time!
25. I have driven a tractor.
26. I’ve had my gall bladder removed.
27. My very first friend was Leisa Porter.
28. She still is (my friend).
29. My childhood home is gone now.
30. I bake better than I cook.
31. I love the outdoors.
32. I was almost always outdoors as a child
33. I have freakishly small hands.
34. I’m part Irish, part Scot.
35. The first boy who loved me was Bill Connolly.
36. The Scot part of me is frugal; bordering on being cheap!
37. My childhood church was burned down.
38. It was a hate crime.
39. The church has been restored.
40. It is now a center for religious tolerance.
41. I’m a Baby Boomer.
42. Dwight Eisenhower was president the year I was born.
43. I once saw Robert Plant in the skywalk in Des Moines.
44. I’m an obsessive knitter.
45. I like tinsel on my Christmas tree.
46. If I could only have one food, it would be pizza.
47. My favorite movie is It’s A Wonderful Life.
48. I love the show Law and Order SVU.
49. At Christmas time, I have to drink Coca Cola in little glass bottles.
50. My first dog’s name was Boots.
51. I was scared of geese as a child.
52. They hissed at me.
53. I love photography.
54. My first driver’s license was paper.
55. My mother is an immigrant from Germany.
56. I’m rather independent.
57. Some people would call that, “stubborn.”
58. I know how to drive a stick shift.
59. I have helped bale hay.
60. And walked beans.
61. My father-in-law was an influential person in my life.
62. I love clocks and watches.
63. The first boy I kissed was Ronnie Zenor.
64. I don’t like shopping.
65. My first memory of cooking is stirring pudding on the stove.
66. I had an Easy Bake Oven.
67. I’m left-handed.
68. I prefer pencils to pens.
69. I once got a live rabbit for Easter.
70. I sewed many of my daughters’ dance costumes.
71. I have had photographs published in a national magazine.
72. My favorite place in the world is Paris.
73. I attended Drake University.
74. I really don’t like washing dishes.
75. I would rather dry.
76. Pet peeve is people who don’t know the difference between “it’s” and “its.”
77. I wish I could still buy Lemon-Up shampoo.
78. I love to polish metals – silver, copper… anything.
79. I think Gene Simmons is a genius.
80. I flunked high school biology.
81. I got an A in college biology.
82. I hang on to sentimental items.
83. I love jewelry.
84. I especially love sparkly jewelry.
85. My first real job was stocking grocery shelves.
86. I’m not fond of being on large bodies of water.
87. I don’t even like baths… would rather shower.
88. I’m a smart-ass.
89. My favorite scent is Joy by Jean Patou.
90. My daughter is getting married in my old childhood church.
91. One of my great-great uncles was a moonshiner.
92. In Missouri.
93. When I was younger I looked a lot like Drew Barrymore.
94. I took shop class in high school.
95. For two years.
96. I still have my stuffed puppy dog named Harry.
97. I was never in band.
98. I delivered papers on a blue Schwinn bicycle.
99. My favorite flower is the rose.

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