Eat good food and share!

Posts tagged ‘World Cuisines’

Birthday party!

Cover of "Back to the Future - The Comple...

Cover via Amazon

My kids gave me a small birthday party last night. I don’t really have any recipes to share, but… it WAS a food adventure! So I thought I would share the experience with my readers.

My middle daughter, Niki, has bragged about her boyfriend’s sushi-making abilities, so I asked if Mr. Smith would make sushi… and… he did! While we (we being me and my girls, Heather, Niki and Miya) were in the living room watching Back to the Future, Mr. Smith (aka Ryan) was slaving away in the kitchen making us sushi.

I *did* find out what “fillings” Mr. Smith used… he had sliced mango, avocado and cucumber as well as smoked salmon and cream cheese. We asked for various combinations of the above, and promptly ate them. Actually, “promptly ate them” isn’t reallly accurate. Swooped like a bunch of vultures is more accurate.

After several sushi rolls, Ryan was finally able to come into the living room and socialize. That didn’t last long. Ryan and Miya decided that it would be really fun to race remote control cars through the living room while the rest of us were watching the second movie. It was noisy, crazy, and I loved it!

Presents were ALL food-related. Naturally. A coffee pot, coffee grinder, coffe! and Julia Child’s book, Mastering the Art of French Cooking.

After presents, I managed to borrow Ryan’s computer and check my email. Lo and behold! Two in one day! I had an email notifying me that my request to receive Hearst grass-fed flank steaks for review have been approved! So… that will also be an upcoming blogpost!

Finally, it was time for cake. Or rather, cupcakes. Niki went to our family’s favorite Des Moines (Windsor Heights) bake shop, the Bake Shoppe. No, the name isn’t terribly creative BUT the baked goods are! Their champagne cakes and cupcakes are incredible! Needless to say, those didn’t last long either.

Before we knew it,  all three movies were over and it was time to go home. A memorable foodie birthday for me! Thanks kids!

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